Thursday, March 24, 2011


I have a double augh

1st - So, Tuesday night, right at 4:30 pm - the freezing rain came!  By 6:30 pm, we couldn't see half way down the drive way.  By morning, we got about 10 inches of more snow.  We were just seeing the grass and now we are starting all over.  School was 2 hours late and I was really hoping for a snow day.  Now, we just sit and wait for the warmer weather to make an appearance. 

2nd - I am so sick of my weight problem.  I can not lose a pound to save my life.  Since August 2009 I have gained 10 pounds.  I'm so disappointed in myself.  I try but I can't commit to anything.  I am hungry ALL. DAY. LONG at work.  And with our lovely weather, I haven't been able to go out and run - which I enjoy a lot!  Travis made a little bet with me last night - he challenged me to loose 3 pounds by Wednesday (in a week) and he would loose 5.  I love a challenge but I don't think I'm going to win this one.  But I will not go down without a fight.  If I can't run outside, I'm going to do Jillian Michael's Shred.  I CAN DO THIS!!

Tonight - a new Grey's and I'm excited.  This is one of my shows and it hasn't been a new episode in a month.

Ava has swimming lessons after school tonight.  She is now liking it.  They got to jump in off the edge (she calls it diving) and they weren't allowed to plug their nose!  She hated that but she will get used to it.

Ian is finally sleeping longer at night.  He was waking me up between 4 and 5 times a night for various reasons (drink, potty, cover him up).  But it's only been once a night now. 
He has another little problem that I'm not sure how to handle and correct.  He keeps saying he is scared of Travis or doesn't like Travis.  I HATE IT when he says this.  It's very frustrating and I can tell it hurts Trav.  Like I told my parents, it would be different if Travis was a mean dad but he isn't at all.  He's firm and lays down the law but Travis loves being with the kids and has so much fun with them.  This is something I hope turns around soon!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Weekend and a Winter Storm

We had a good weekend.  Saturday we went to mom and dads for dinner and supper, as Gary, Melissa, Isaiah, Jonas and Evan were home.  It's fun to get together, stuff our faces with yummy food, get into interesting conversations and see how the kids are getting bigger and how the 4 oldest don't need to be supervised 24/7. 
Ava got to go with Papa Mark and Grandma Becky to Crookston to watch Kiara in Dreams on Ice skating show.  She really enjoyed it.

Sunday was a lazy day.  Ava and I went to Sunday School and Church.  Wow, it was packed - so good to see.  We stuck around home the rest of the day.

Yesterday Ava started swimming lessons after school.  She said she loved it but as the night went on and even this morning, she says she doesn't want to go back.  She said the teacher makes them breath through their nose underwater, so she gets water up her nose!  Funny girl.  If it were up to her, she would always be at home or at grandma and grandpas. 

Today we are suppose to get another winter storm - up to 15 inches of snow.  How depressing.  Hopefully this will be the last one until December! 
When we drove out of the yard today - we got to see how much the water in our ditches had risen.  The kids were amazed!  Ava told grandma that we were flooding! 

Tonight - Biggest Loser and hopefully a new epi of Parenthood!!!!  Maybe a little bit of shrimp to go with that!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Let's try this again!

I had a blog a couple years ago but didn't keep it up.  After becoming a blog addict, I thought I would give it another try!

My goal for this blog is to write about my family and have the memories!