Friday, April 8, 2011


Could it be?  I doubt it but I will take this warmer weather and run with it!!  We still have some snow in our yard but there is more grass than snow.  The deer are back in our yard eating the trees and the babies are chasing eachother!

This weekend we are going to Mark and Becky's to celebrate Kiara and Becky's birthdays and to celebrate Easter.  I made a 7 layer rainbow cake and rainbow cupcakes!  I can't wait to decorate them.  I bought a bag and tips for frosting, I have never used one, so it will be interesting. 

I have been running 2 miles.  I'm just waiting for the scale to move.  I haven't lost anything in pounds or inches and it's extremely frustrating.  But I will keep on with it.  I'm thinking of running the 5K or 10K at the Fargo Marathon in May.  Thinking is the key word. 

Ava has 1 more day of swimming lessons and I'm so excited!  She hates going but loves being there.  Every night she cries that she doesn't want to go.  But every night when she gets home, she says she had so much fun!  She can do a flip off the diving board now.  So fun to watch!

Friday, April 1, 2011

A week flew by!

Crazy how fast a week goes by. 

We have had a busy week and i'm really liking that.  With Ava having swimming lessons after school and not getting home until 5:45, it makes our nights very short with her.  She has 5 days left of it and it will be nice to be done.  Swimming is going good for her.  One day she loves it, the next day she's crying cause she hates it.  She has found the courage to go off the high diving board.  She obviously didn't get my fear of heights! 

We continue with AWANAs on Wednesday nights.  There are only 3 or 4 nights of that left.  I will miss my Wednesday nights with Stacy but it's a nice break when it's over with. 

Last night it snowed once again.  Huge flakes.  Even Ian said "ishy snow".  We are getting sick of it.
I can't wait for warmer weather to run in.  I have been running only a mile but I just started about 2 weeks ago.  But wow, the cold air burns my lungs.  It's refreshing but i could use a little heat!

Tomorrow we are talking about going to the circus in Fargo.  Trav and dad will go to a car show and mom and I will take the kids to the FargoDome.  I'm a little nervous about Ian being able to sit through the whole thing.  I don't want to pay for tickets and have to leave or take him out for most of the performance.  Ava will do awesome! 

Tonight:  nothing planned and boring TV.  Maybe I should go rent a couple movies!